There are multiple sliders available for each body part. The sims 4 slider allows you to change your sim physical appearance. It is a simple mod that allows you to adjust your Sims’ height, either shorter or taller than the default height limit that is in The Sims 4. Height Slider mod for Sims 4 for Windows Height Slider mod for Sims 4 is a free video game utility by Luumia SIms. Also: I've just updated all of my normal mods and am searching for random mods to add to my game as well so please feel free to suggest your favorites that aren't currently broken! (Mccc, Basemental, Sacrificial, WW etc. I haven't used a height slider mod for TS4 before and don't want to get a broken one. Sims 4 MasterCotroller helps you to adjust Slider Width and Height Also. With the Master controller, you can increase and decrease the size of the Slider. Sims 4 MasterController is helping thought in the Slider Range Control.